We always need able bodied men and women who would like to give a few hours a week volunteering. We employ 4 drivers but with 6 mini buses and full schedules, we also rely on volunteer drivers. If you can drive for a half day or a full day in the week, please get in touch with us.
Volunteers are required to have a D1 driving licence without a D101 restriction. The work is most fulfilling and requires the drivers to assist passengers who are unable to walk long distances and those in wheel chairs. On shopping trips, we help our members load and unload their shopping, and assist them in whatever way we can.
We give full nationally-accredited training in how to handle the buses and deal with disabled passengers. Each volunteer has to attend The MIDAS Assessment (minibus drivers awareness scheme), and has to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service check administered by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority.
Contact Cambridge Dial-a-Ride if you would like to consider working with us.