Help us whilst you shop with AmazonSmile
As you may recall, like many businesses and charities Cambridge Dial-a-Ride had to suspend operations earlier in the year due to the Covid-19 Pandemic which had and is continuing to affect our viability. We are working hard to raise funds via grant funding, sponsorships and donation requesting.
One of the ways you could help us is to consider using the AmazonSmile website when you shop. For every purchase made through the AmazonSmile website, using the Cambridge Dial-a-Ride link, we will receive a small percentage as a donation. You can try it out here at AmazonSmile
We are busy raising funds in order that we can look to replace our diesel fleet of minibuses to a more greener, cleaner solution which we feel will be better for our members as well as our lovely city and thank you in advance for your help.